laundry and dry cleaning service

With more than 4 years working experience in the laundry and dry cleaning, here in this article I will be teaching you what laundry and dry cleaning is all about and how to set it up and build it successfully if you follow my instructions properly here. Laundry and dry cleaning is a type of business that involves washing of clothes, carpets and car washing. Dry cleaning is a cleaning of garments that does not involve water; it makes use of solvent that cleans and maintain the color of the fabric and the size especially expensive garments like suits and jeans wears etc. The laundry and dry cleaning industry is huge which any serious person be it a graduate or non-graduate can establish one. With just #20,000.00 Naira one can startup the business and build it gradually. This business if done property for just 2 to 4 months it can start generating #15,000.00 to #30,000.00 per month. Before you can think of starting laundry and dry cleaning there are things you need to do or know because j...