In this article I will be sharing with you businesses you can do with little capital. These are businesses proven to be genuine, have minimal risk and are reliable only if you have the right skills and interest. One aspect of business many people fail to understand is once you start a business they expect immediate result and which if the business is not yielding the desired result, most often they begin to lose interest in the business and eventually the business die. When you start a business there are some entrepreneurial attributes one need to possess for your business journey to success. These attributes are:

Passion: you need to define what you love doing even when it is not generating any income yet. This is one of the most important attributes of entrepreneur that keeps entrepreneurs floating.

Consistency: there are situations your business may be facing one challenge or the other, this is where you need to keep pushing instead of succumb to the challenges.

Integrity: whatever your core business values are you must deliver them without which you may keep losing customers because they can’t trust you for their works.

Clear communication skills: the ability to communicate with your customers effectively is key to success of your business.

Goals: you need to set business goals for example I want my business to get 10 new customers every month, how much money you intend to raise for business expansion etc.

Skill: having the right skill for a business plays a leading role in the lifestyle of an entrepreneur.

Now let’s delve into businesses one can do with little capital as enumerates below:

Blogging: having a good command of language, internet connection and PC or Smartphone is what you need to start up. Sharing your knowledge or ideas in written form with respect to rules of a particular language what is very paramount. You may sign up here with Google Adsense using your email.

Onlinetutorial: tutorials using social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook etc. You will need to have a PC or Smartphone with a quality camera for example if your interest is to teach people how to do graphic design, then you can download and install OBS studio in your PC and kick-off your journey once you meet up the terms and conditions of YouTube.

Graph design: once you are good in using Coral Draw or Photoshop to design things like banners, photos manipulation, fliers, business cards, logos et. I can confidently tell you why you are still wasting time. You can get customers anywhere while doing this both offline and online through freelancing if you sign up with them for example Fiverr or Upwork etc.

Barbing: once you know how to cut men’s hair then you are good go. You can choose to be doing home service for your customer or open a barbing saloon in a good location.

Web development. Once you have some coding skills, then why wasting time.  With this skill in demand you can start developing website and applications. You can work offline or online through Fiverr or Upwork platforms etc.

Laundry business: people will always want to look neat and nice. More so, working class may not have time to do their laundry themselves and is the more reason the laundry is a huge industry. To venture into this business; you only need iron, skills and containers for washing and water storage etc.

Tailoring: everybody will want to wear new cloth. So if you have tailoring skills then try and purchase a sewing machine and other tailoring materials.

Phone repairing: once you can repair phones and you have the repairing tools then this business is a good choice for you.



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